With Rafa Benitez under increasing pressure after a 10th defeat in 20 games & also knocked out in the 3rd round of the FA Cup by Championship strugglers Reading, rumours have intensified around Anfield as De Courcey Albion duo Martin Ryan & James O’Driscoll were spotted at Liverpools John Lennon Airport. With Albion lying 4th in their Division & Liverpool lying 8th in theirs they would be making a huge gamble in taking on such a massive task. The pair had been rumoured to be unhappy with the new contract offered to them by Albion and turning up i Liverpool certainly adds fuel to the fire. O’Driscoll had been quoted this week as saying “We are totally commited to the cause of promotion from Corks AUL Div 3 this season and thats all we are focused on. However if we got any offer at any other club we’d probably be gone in the morning”.

There are, however, dozens of other rumours flying around. One being the two are in Liverpool to convince Alberto Aquilani to swap the bench at Anfiled for the glitz & glamour of Eli Lilly Park. Another is that they are in Liverpool on a drinking binge ahead of their weekend make or break county cup clash with Rathcoole Rovers at Cooney Park.

Watch Albion in action this weekend exclusively not live on Setanta Sports against Rathcoole Rovers, Sunday morning at 10.45am in Coone Park, Rathcoole, with or without the pair. More to follow…






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