Innishvilla 0-6 Albion

A run-away victory for the Courcey men in this local Derby against Innishvilla in League 2 action. A flat 1st half performance where Albion were unable to take hold of the game in all departments but still found themselves 1-0 up at half time through a Timmy Harrington goal where a superb assist from John Duggan & Gearoid Collins combining proved pivotal on the half hour mark. A half of few chances for either team Innishvilla probably shaded possession but Albion looked more assured on the ball than their rivals.

Albion were 2-0 up on the 46min mark though Tim Harrington where a Killian Moloney clearance found the striker who ran through and finished passed the on-coming keeper. It was 3-0 when Harrington was taken down inside the box and converted to wrap up his first of two hat-tricks on the night. He soon made it 4-0 after a lovely through ball from Gavin Moloney set him on his way once again. Chances were had also by Gavin Moloney, Gearoid Collins & John Finn. Martin Ryan should have had them 5-0 up when put through by Gavin 1 on 1 with the keeper but the shot was saved and went out for a corner. Ryan assisted Harrington 2 minutes later to make it 5 after a brilliant team goal from the back where 5 players were involved in the goal – Killian – Darren – John – Gearoid – Martin who played it through to Tim. Tim had his 2nd hat trick when Gavin Moloney was taken down in the box and Harrington converted to make it 6-0.

A great win but the team must move on to Carrigtwohill to keep the momentum going. Great performances all round.

Team: Walshy, Darren (Ger ’70), Jamie (Conor M ’70), Killian, Colm, John F (Hugh ’60), John D, Martin, Gavin, Gearoid, Tim.






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