Blackpool 1-1 Albion

Albion came away from Temple Park today with a well earned point in a tricky encounter against current league leaders Blackpool Celtic. This was Albions first league game since November 30th. The game started openly as both teams were intent on creating chances from the off. Early signs were that of a dominance in midfield from Blackpool, though as the game progressed they found it harder and harder to break down Albions middle 3. Pool hit the crossbar inside 20minutes with a header that sent signals to Albion back 4. The home team made their opportunities count on 31mins when a cross caught Darren Daly flat footed leaving the Blackpool winger finding the net with a looping header past a Mike Walsh. Albions reply couldn’t have been better 4 minutes later when a break from the back by James O’Driscoll split the Blackpool midfield with a fantastic switch in play across to JP Hayes. Hayes beat the oncoming full back in a 1 on 1. Conan Dillon peeled to the right taking 2 defenders with him while all the time James O’Driscolls surging run forward was rewarded when Japs sent across a perfect assist for O’Driscoll to control and beautifully finish in the bottom right. THE outstanding team goal from the season so far! 1-1 half time.

Rob Daly landed a sucker punch, through no fault of his own, at the start of the second half with a suspected pulled/torn hamstring. Mart El-Sahens introduction was his first appearance since last season after months out with a broken collar bone. Albion had been defending well from set plays and counter attacking fantastically. Blackpool, however, held 60% of the possession in the second half as the threw everything at the Courcey men. El-Sahen clattered the bar with a header, leaving a scramble in the goal where Steve Dwyer & Conan Dillon both tried to follow up. The ball cleared to Ger O’Connell who decided to have a stab and missed by inches. O’Connell went on one of his trademark runs (???) shortly after but dwindled on the ball too long when the chance had appeared to shoot. Mike Walsh kept his team in the game with 4 outstanding saves and numerous other clean ups from set plays.

A good result away from home that Albion will be looking to build on.

team. Mike Walsh, Darren Daly (Jody McNamara ’65), Jamie Daly, JP Hayes, James O’Driscoll, Ger O’Connell, Rob Daly (Martin El-Sahen ’49 – then El-Sahen was injured (Jorge Saenz ’81)), Steve Dwyer, Conan Dillon.

Not used. Noel Twomey.






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