Teammates – GER O’CONNELL

Name: Ger O’Connell

Age: 26

Favourite Position: Right Full

Boyhood Team: Man Utd

Favourite Player(s): Roy Keane, Denis Irwin

Albion Highlight: Promotion to Aul 2 or the one goal I scored that wasn’t in our own net against Carrigtwohill (a fine goal it was too Ger, the best clearance you ever made)

Best Player(s) played with: John Hipwell and Seamus O’Callaghan

Hopes for Albion future: League title, well over due

Best soccer moment ever: Utd Champions league final 1999

I Love Albion because: It keeps me off the drink!

Fastest: Japs Timmy or Myself!!!

Best Trainer: Martin

Joker: Colm

Most Skillful: Me or Rob!!

Most Intelligent: Jason, won a table quiz with him one year. Baggins knew a good bit aswell,surprisingly!!

Least Intelligent: Walshy, some of his questions in the quizzes are a joke!

Best Dress Sense: Japs, he’s always looking sharp!

Worst Dress Sense: Rob!

Best Dancer: James without a doubt!

Hard Man: Probably Japs






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