Name: Rob Daly Age:22

Favourite Position: Striker.

Boyhood Team: Man United.

Favourite Player(s): Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldhino, Paul Scholes.

Albion Highlight: Scoring a hat trick against Afton Villa.

Best Player(s) Played With: Timmy Harrington, Derek McCarthy, Denis Behan (sort of but I’m counting it)

Hopes for Albions future: Underage squad and promotion.

Best Soccer Moment of all time: Watching United beat Bayern for the treble.

I Love Albion because: everybody on the team supports each other and everybody gets on well.

Team mates:

Most Skillfull: Japs.

Fastest: Timmy Harrington

Best Trainer: Any of the lads running since before pre season.

Joker: A tie between Walshy and Colm.

Least Skillful – Ger. A more dangerous Scholes

Most Intelligent: – Jason.

Least Intelligent – I’m definitely up there.

Best Dress Sense – Marty mostly because I really want a YMCMB hoodie too.

Worst Dress Sense – Timmy Harrington. Nothing should be that tight.

Best Dancer – Jamesie without a doubt.

Hardman – Conor Hurley. Toughest man I’ve ever met.






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